Running fast, Training Strong, Eating Health and Planning a Wedding. Trying to juggle everything and stay sane.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Shamrock Marathon

Your first marathon of the year is in less than 2 weeks and your training thus far has been sub-par (haven't even completed a 20 miler), would you:

A) Run it anyways
B) Run/Walk it - who cares about a PR?
C) Downgrade to a half marathon
D) Defer to next year

Now for the full story:

Accidents happen or so they say.  Car accidents that involve 5 cars with one single car starting a chain reaction just plain suck for all that are involved and those morning commuters on their way to work.  I was one of those commuters and also car # 2 in the chain of rear-endings.  When accidents happen, adrenaline rushes through your body and sometimes pain is not felt until way later. That seemed to be my case, at least.  By that afternoon, my back was so sore that walking to the fridge felt like an accomplishment. 

After two weeks of baby-ing the back, its ramp up time to continue the training process. After two weeks off from running, endurance doesn't like to come back like it would with only a few days rest.  Man, I felt like I was running in quick sand! Or some giant was pushing on my forehead and I couldn't move forward. Of course I wasn't going to let this stop me and so I put in the miles and the long runs necessary.  

I could run long and I ran long well but afterwords, Advil became my best friend and I, the bully to my body. I kept pushing and pushing to see how far I can go before I'm sidelined and I pay for it on the weekends.  Is the marathon worth it at this point? Is a further injury worth running VA? 

I get to knock off another state
I get to give a big FU to the guy that hit me as I didn't get knocked down
I've trained hard for this race

Injury could prevent another marathon
I definitely won't PR
I would have to walk / run
I could be in way more pain than a usual marathon

What would you do? 

Will the luck of the Irish help me complete that marathon?